Friday 1 March 2013

Draft of website layout

Document created by: Jake Hashdi

This document is useful as it creates an outline of what we desire the website to look like, which speeds up production of the website overall, as we already have a plan to operate from. This also allows us to think over aspects to the site and tweek any we do not like.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Group Research responsibilities

Reverse Storyboard

 Document created by: Zac Bowen

This is an example of a reverse storyboard for an existing show (Misfits). This document was ultimately helpful towards the creation of our own storyboard, which subsequently helped in the creation of our TV segment.

Audience feedback on products

This survey was created by Zac

This survey was useful to us as it allowed us to receive feedback from an audience and determine what we carried out successfully and what we did unsuccessfully  This was ultimately useful as it allowed us to carry out a more detailed evaluation.

Interview with cast members (for website)

Sunday 24 February 2013

Primary audience research- Survey

What is your gender?
Male: 17
Female: 21

What is your age?
14-24: 37
35+: 0

What is your favourite genre of TV show?
Action: 3
Comedy: 22
Sci - Fi: 3
Reality: 1
Horror: 1
Drama: 10

How many hours of television would you say you watch per week?
none :0
0 to 3: 10
3 to 6: 8
6 to 9: 11
9+: 9

Do you watch E4:
Yes: 29
No: 12

If the answer to question 5 is yes, what is your favourite E4 show and why?
-"The big bang theory because its awesome"
-"Misfits because its funny and interesting."
-"The Big Bang Theory, because it's clever, funny and well written"
-"The big bang theory"
-"How I met your mother or The big bang theory because Barney and Sheldon are just SOOOO good."
-"The Big Bang theory, just genially funny with humorous actors"
-"Fresh meat"
-"Don't really have one. if i had to pick then probably big bang theory but to be honest E4 is just something i put on when your flicking through and there's f*** all else on."
-"How I met your mother because it's funny"
-"Mad Fat Diary (used to be Skins)"
-"Rules of engagement and bang theory"
-"Big Bang theory because its my type of humour, awkward guys trying to get girls"
-"Skins good mix of humor and drama"
-"Big Bang Theory - it's funny."
-"Revenge, just think it's amazing"
-"My mad fat diary because it shows the aspects of life today"
-"The Big Bang Theory, specific characters that are somehow relatable"
-"My mad fat diary funny"
-"90210 and because I love the cast"
-"Big bang theory, it's really funny!
-"They always have good programs and series that are as good and better than more popular channels."

-"I don't have a favourite show on E4 I tend to just watch whatever's on and looks interesting. :)"
-"Fonejacker, the inbetweeners, scrubs, misfits"
-"Big Bang theory - it's funny."
-"The Ricky Gervais show because its very funny."