Thursday 25 October 2012

summary of assessment brief

I work for Silver Lining Productions, a multimedia company that has had recent television success with fly on the wall documentaries, structured reality programming and fiction productions. We have also developed supporting media for their broadcast productions in print, audio and e-media. company is well known for its work in pushing the boundaries of existing formats.

I have been given the opportunity to prepare a pitch for development funding and so will need to present sample production work. The programme will have a target audience similar to E4’s demographic (15-35) and will be suitable for pre-watershed broadcasting. We are free to work in any format you wish. Working in groups of no more than four, we will produce the opening few scenes of a drama TV programme establishing narrative themes, characters and location. we are able to include a title sequence and our finished product should be approximately two minutes long. Our programme will be supported by a three page fan site. We will use the website to try and encourage as much audience interactivity and communication as possible. Our production materials should will be produced to a professional standard.

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