Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Todorov,Propp and Barthes

Todorov,Propp and Barthes

Todorov's theory is concerned predominantly with the story within the narrative. It is presented in 5 steps. Firstly, equilibrium, where a state of normality is established within the diegisis of the film. Secondly, the disruption, where some kind of conflict is introduced into the narrative. Thirdly, the recognition, where  the protagonist acknowledges the disruption-  this may be brought about by an effect the disruption has upon the protagonist or others. Next, the attempt to repair, which sees the protagonists trying to restore the balance and be rid of the disruption. Finally, the new/return to equilibrium, where things return to as they were, or situation dependent, a new state of equilibrium has been established in order to grant a sense of closure, whilst still taking into account the events of the narrative. This change in equilibrium (or indeed the whole narrative), often sees a change in the characters, environment, or multiple other aspects. Propp’s theory majorly gravitates around the character types within a narrative. According to Propp, there are 8 character types. These include; the hero- the protagonist within the narrative, the villain- the antagonist within the narrative, the Donor- someone who gives the hero some kind of item that will assist them, the helper- someone who assists the hero, the princess-the hero’s reward ( note that the princess is not always a person, but can be an object etc.), the princess’ father- this character is the one who rewards the hero, the dispatcher- the one who sends the hero on their quest and the false hero- someone whom we are led to believe is a hero. Propps' theory is somewhat flawed, as it's predominantly based upon folklore tales which commonly present the struggle between good and evil. As this struggle is not apparent within all narratives, this makes this not applicable to all narratives. Finally, Barthes theory is based on 5 codes that readers use to decode the text. The first is action- events which have logical consequences e.g. when food is presented, there is a probability that characters will eat it. Next is the enigma- the mystery that audiences are left to decode, and questions raised by the narrative. Thirdly is Semics- signs used to express stereotype, objects and sets etc. e.g. spaceships connote sci fi. Fourthly symbolic code which is meaning expressed through juxtapositions and conflict within the narrative. Finally, cultural code is anything from stereotype to pop culture references or even knowledge we know and share together. This is an element very typical of spoof movies.

1 comment:

  1. Remember to include apostrophes (Todorov's theory'Propp's theory/Barthe's theory). I would suggest that you link Todorov with structure rather than story. Check your spelling (diegesis rather than diegisis, Donor). You have written a nice concise summary of the key concepts though.
